Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

kill the innocent puppies

"waaa.. gila smart arini!!", zam terasa kagum.

"of coz, kena la matching ngan kasut baru", kata aku sambil tunjuk diorang kasut yang baru dibeli semalam.

"are u sure u wear smart because of new shoes and not because u haven't send all your clothes to laundry?", dalam ayat kew.

"sure laa.. i bought this yesterday"

"brand apa bro?", pertanyaan.

"hush puppies"

"nice or not?", pertanyaan lagi.

"not bad.. kulit anjing"

"fcuk u laa!!", kata mereka.

p/s: it's expensive because only the hati-keras can kill puppies to make shoes with it skin

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